Hope for a Cure Cupcakes, The Pandemic of 2020


Hope for a Cure Cupcakes: The Pandemic of 2020

3 minutes 57 seconds

Craft in America Center Democracy Exhibition coincided with the Presidential Election, and the launch of Democracy, on PBS.

Since the 2020 broadcast, I continued COVID cupcakes dedicated to health care providers, a COVID cupcake cemetery with the cause of needless deaths written on tombstones, and climate change.

Over 800,000 Americans died as of December 2021.

Former President Trump speaking to a crowd of supporters encouraged them to vaccinate and received adverse reactions from his political base. To blame President Trump for the mess, we find ourselves in is too simplistic.

Systemic distrust of government, big pharma, and institutions caused many Americans to become “anti- vaxxers.”

Public health can accomplish only so much if people reject guidance and prevention.

Meanwhile, the uncontrolled spread of Delta and Omicron variants continues globally.

January 2022 signals the beginning of the third year of this pandemic. Hope for a Cure COVID Cupcakes continue